An often overlooked opportunity for home improvement is a bathroom remodel.
We tend to think of this as a purely utilitarian space that – so long as it’s functioning properly – doesn’t need to be bothered with much.
But if you’ve ever been in a public restroom, you’ll know the bathroom is about more than mere functionality! If the design and layout feel off, it can turn into a space you dread having to use.
At H&H Construction and Restoration, LLC., we know just what it takes to turn a bathroom remodel into a passion project. The bathroom of your dreams is only a call away!
Delivering the Best Bathroom Remodel Experience in Greenville, TX!
It’s not uncommon for our customers to say they saw a great bathroom in a movie, series, or magazine and they wish their own bathroom was more like it.
This is the idea phase – where you’re looking at your current bathroom, but really seeing your ideal version in your mind’s eye.
The idea phase of bathroom remodeling can be both exciting and overwhelming. It’s all too easy to become discouraged by the seemingly vast differences between your bathroom and the potential you see in it.
Having the right contractor for your bathroom remodel is what makes the difference between a successful project and broken dreams.

The wrong contractor can be discouraging; not knowing how to deliver your dream bathroom given the existing space.
But the right contractor will be able to look at your current bathroom and see your dream instead, just the way you do!
H&H Construction and Restoration, LLC boasts years of experience in this regard.
We’ve been bringing dreams into reality through our bathroom remodeling in Greenville, TX and surrounding areas for a long time. As a result, no project daunts us.
Not only do we deliver the best results imaginable, but we also offer the best bathroom remodeling experience through our affordability and timeliness!
Understanding the Need for Bathroom Remodeling
Many people think of their bathroom as a space with a toilet, bath and/or shower, sink, and mirrors. It isn’t usually a focal point or priority when it comes time to do home renovations.
But the bathroom is far more than that.
Chances are high once you leave your bedroom in the morning, and before you return to it in the evening, the bathroom is the first (and last) room you visit.
This means your bathroom needs to have a welcoming, soothing atmosphere. You don’t want to start your day feeling agitated – and you certainly don’t want to end it that way either!
Whether your daily routine is somewhat strictly regimented or more “take it as it comes,” your bathroom will play a big role in your mindset each day.
So why settle for a space that doesn’t reflect and enhance your personal growth and goals in life?

What Are You Waiting For?
H&H Construction and Restoration, LLC is here for you. When you put your trust in us, you’re taking the first step in achieving the bathroom of your dreams.
So what are you waiting for? Contact us today!

Contact us today and get started!

H&H Bathroom Remodeling: Turning an Overwhelming Idea Phase into an Exciting One
Just because you see a vast difference in your bathroom’s potential and its current state, doesn’t mean turning your dreams into reality needs to be overwhelming.
A great way to make sure the idea phase remains exciting is to create a picture board!
If you’ve been inspired by a movie scene, look for set images online. Likewise for magazines – most of them have a website too, where you can easily save the photos onto your laptop or tablet.
And if you’re struggling to find pictures to match the one you have in your mind, sites like Pinterest are a great way to find reference images.
Start playing around with these images, putting them together – even if you only use a program like Microsoft Paint to do so. This helps you tie everything together visually, matching elements to your bathroom’s layout or envisioning an entirely new one.
Your picture board will help remind you that your exciting idea is doable. Worst-case scenario, it helps you adjust your initial ideas without losing any of the excitement!